
Welcome Mr. Newton to my physics blog. Throughout my blog I touch on a variety of topics related to physics for my brief assignment. I have put together fifteen of what I wanted to learn more about and that I found interesting. So have fun reading my blogs.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Atmosphere On The Moon

"Ever wonder why people on the moon appear as they are flying or can jump for a far distance. The reality is that those people can't really fly or jump for miles. They aren't people like superman who have the capability to fly. It is because the moon has a very low gravitational pull. Unlike Earth's where objects stay on the ground due to the gravity. The moon's gravity is so much less then Earths that objects float or can jump high in the air. Thus because the Moon has low gravity it is to weak to hold an atmosphere. So for those who believe that once you are on the moon you have the capability to fly, it's not true. Its the realivily low gravity and the low escape velocity."

Atmosphere On The Moon
Why There Is no Atmosphere on the Moon
Weak Gravity Allows Gas Atoms to Escape so no Air on Small Planets
Buzz Aldrin saw such "magnificent desolation" when he stood on the Moon in July 1969 in part because it lacks an atmosphere. With no air or liquid water to erode the lunar geology, surface features retain their initial ruggedness. This lack of breathing air forced astronauts to wear special sealed spacesuits contributing to the desolation.
To understand why Earth's Moon and other small moons and planets have no atmosphere, it is first necessary to understand a little about gravity and escape velocity.
Gravity on the Moon
Some people think the Moon has no air because there is no gravity on the Moon. This is incorrect. Because the Moon is less massive than Earth the gravitational force on the Moon's surface is weaker than Earth's. There is still gravity on the Moon, but it is too weak to hold a significant atmosphere. Why?
Escape Velocity
When NASA launches a rocket into space, the rocket must reach a minimum speed to break the bonds of Earth's gravity. Rockets not reaching this minimum speed, called the escape velocity, fall back to Earth. Anything traveling at the escape velocity, or faster, can escape into space. Gravity pulls back anything traveling more slowly.
Earth's escape velocity is 11 kilometers/second. With less surface gravity, the Moon's escape velocity is 2.4 kilometers/second. Hence it is much easier to escape into space from the Moon than from Earth.
Heat and Molecular Motions
Gas atoms and molecules don't rest quietly. They move around fairly rapidly in random directions. As the gas temperature increases the average speed of the gas atoms increases. If the speed of a gas atom exceeds the escape velocity, that gas atom can escape into space.
Earth's average temperature is approximately 300 Kelvins. At this temperature the average (technically root mean square) speed of a nitrogen molecule is about 0.5 kilometers/second. Because this speed is much less than Earth's escape velocity Earth holds on to its nitrogen very tightly.
This speed is also less than the escape velocity from the Moon, but it is closer. So gas atoms and molecules can more easily escape from the Moon. To understand why, think about this analogy.
The average height for adult males is somewhere between five and six feet. However there are plenty of men that are either taller or shorter than this range. For example NBA basketball players are often over seven feet tall. However they don't have players over ten feet tall because that is too far above the average.
Escape Velocity and Atmosphere
As a rule of thumb, if the escape velocity is more than ten times the average speed of a particular type of molecule, that type of gas will remain in the atmosphere. Otherwise the molecules will escape over time. On Earth the escape velocity is high enough to hold its atmosphere. Molecules would have to be like the ten foot tall players to escape. On the Moon however the escape speed is low enough that the faster moving atoms can escape. Molecules would have to be like the almost seven foot tall NBA players to escape. So these gas atoms and molecules fly off into space. The Sun heats the remaining gas enough that those atoms and molecules eventually speed up and escape.
Hence less massive moons and planets including the Moon and Mercury have no significant atmospheres. Mars is a little more massive so it has a thin atmosphere. More massive Earth and Venus have significant atmospheres and the very massive gas giant outer planets retain very thick atmospheres.
This article was found from the website (http://physics.suite101.com/article.cfm/why_there_is_no_atmosphere_on_the_moon)


How Fireworks Produce Sounds and Colors
The Science, Physics, and Chemistry Behind Fireworks Displays!
Explosions powered by chemical reactions produce the sounds. Different chemical compounds mixed in the gunpowder produce the colors of fireworks.
Many people enjoy fireworks displays on the first of July, the new year, and other festive holidays. These fireworks displays produce many loud sounds and vibrant colors. How?
How Do Fireworks Make Noise?
When the fuse on a firecracker is lit and burns, it sets off a chemical reaction in the gunpowder. Burning gunpowder releases large amounts of hot gas. If the gunpowder is not confined in any way, the chemical burning reactions release the gas harmlessly, and it does not explode.
If the gunpowder is confined in some way, the gas is not released harmlessly. It explodes. In a bullet, the shell confines the gunpowder so that the high pressure gas released by the chemical burning reactions propels the bullet down the barrel of the gun. In firecrackers or other fireworks, the cardboard shell of the firecracker explodes with a loud popping sound when the chemical burning reaction releases the gas.
What Chemistry and Physics Happens in the Atoms?
The chemical burning reactions in the gunpowder in the fireworks vaporize the gunpowder and the color producing chemicals mixed in with the gunpowder. The hot gas atoms frequently collide with each other in the firework explosion. These collisions push the electrons to higher energy levels, which are higher orbitals, in the atoms. After a short time the electrons jump back down to the lowest energy level, which scientists call the ground state. The electrons must release the extra energy, and they release this energy as light. The color of the light depends on the exact amount of energy released when the electron jumps to the ground state.
Physicists and chemists call the specific colors of light emitted when the electrons jump to lower energy levels the emission line spectrum. Each element has its own unique colors or emission line spectrum. Engineers designing fireworks displays select the chemical elements or compounds that have the right emission line spectrum to produce the desired colors for the display.
Understanding the chemistry and physics of fireworks can increase the enjoyment of a fireworks display.
This article can be found from the website(http://physics.suite101.com/article.cfm/how_fireworks_produce_sounds_and_colors)

"What this articles does not tell you about is what produces the color of fireworks. Doing some research I have learned how fireworkds produce the color they appear to be. Various elements when mixed in with the gun powder in the fire work produce the many colors of the spectrum. This is related to the unit we took on light saying the colors we do see form part of the visible spectrum. For example sodum emits a strong yellowish color when it is burnt. So if a firework appears yellow there is probably sodium in that firework to react with the gun powder. Another example is copper which causes a blue color. So to form any color in a firework there is various chemical elements. This is how a fire appears to be the color it is."